The Journal of Historical Review

Volume 1, No. 1 -- Spring 1980
Arthur R. Butz The international 'Holocaust' controversy
Robert Faurisson The mechanics of gassing
Louis FitzGibbon Hidden aspects of the Katyn massacre:
'The lost 10,000'
Austin J. App The 'Holocaust' put in perspective
Udo Walendy The fake photograph problem
Ditlieb Felderer Auschwitz notebook: Certain impossibilities
of the 'Gerstein statement'
Charles E. Weber German history from a new perspective:
Hellmut Diwald's Geschichte der deutschen

About the contributors

Volume 1, No. 2 -- Summer 1980
Robert Faurisson The 'problem of the gas chambers'
John Bennett In the matter of Robert Faurisson
Arthur Ponsonby The corpse factory
Richard Harwood
Ditlieb Felderer
Human Soap
Otto Kanold
with Mark Weber
Letter from Berlin
Lewis Brandon The mendacity of Zion
Arthur Butz
Robert Faurisson
Richard Verrall
Letters to the 'New Statesman'
Harry Elmer Barnes Winston Spencer Churchill: A tribute
Ditlieb Felderer Auschwitz notebook: More impossibilities
of the 'Gerstein statement'
Lewis Brandon Werner Maser's Nuremberg: A Nation on Trial
Elie Wiesel's Report to the President:
President's Commission on the Holocaust
Moshe Shonfeld's The Holocaust Victims Accuse
Benjamin B. Ferencz' Less Than Slaves
Alfred M. de Zayas' Nemesis at Potsdam
Martin Gilbert's The Holocaust
Conrad Grieb's American Manifest Destiny
and the Holocausts
Harry Elmer Barnes' The Barnes Trilogy
Michael F. Connors' Dealing in Hate
James M. Ennes Jr.'s Assault on the Liberty
George T. Eggleston's Roosevelt, Churchill
& the World War Two Opposition

Lewis Brandon A note from the editor
About the contributors

Volume 1, No. 3 -- Fall 1980
Harry Elmer Barnes The public stake in revisionism
Louis FitzGibbon Khatyn -- Another hoax
Mark Weber The Boer War remembered
Ditlieb Felderer Auschwitz notebook: Lids & openings
Charles Lutton Max Hastings' Bomber Command
Lewis Brandon Filip Müller's Eyewitness Auschwitz,
Petro Mirchuk's In the German Mills of Death, and
Fania Fenelon's Playing for Time
Lewis Brandon Philip Beck's Oradour: Village of the Dead
J. Marcellus Thomas A. Bailey's Hitler vs. Roosevelt
David McCalden Dervla Murphy's A Place Apart
Lewis Brandon Christopher Dobson's, John Miller's,
& Ronald Payne's The Cruelest Night
Lewis Brandon Elmer Berger's Memoirs of an Anti-Zionist Jew, and
Moshe Menuhin's The Decadence of Judaism
in Our Time

Lewis Brandon A note from the editor
Letters to the editor
About the contributors

Volume 1, No. 4 -- Spring 1980
Howard F. Stein The Holocaust, and the myth of the past as history
Arthur R. Butz The Faurisson affair
M. Seleshko Vinnytsia -- The Katyn of Ukraine
Samuel Edward Konkin III Palestine: Liberty and justice
Richard Lawson Nationalism, racialism, and early British socialism
Ditlieb Felderer Auschwitz notebook: Doors & portholes
Charles Lutton Nikolai Tolstoy's The Secret Betrayal
Lewis Brandon John F. Stewart's The Crime of Moscow in Vynnytsia
Bezalel Chaim Moshe Schonfeld's Genocide in the Holy Land
Bezalel Chaim William R. Tucker's The Fascist Ego
Lewis Brandon Bohdan Wytwycky's The Other Holocaust:
Many circles of hell

Lewis Brandon A note from the editor
Letters to the editor
About the contributors

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