Institute for Historical Review

Institute for Historical Review

The Mendacity of Zion

Lewis Brandon

Professor Butz in his book has commented on the remarkable similarity between modem "Holocaust" lore and ancient Talmudic fantasies. On pp. 246-7 of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century he reports that the Talmud claims that the Romans slew 4 billion, "or as some say" 40 million, Jews. The blood of the Jewish victims was so great that it became a tidal wave, carrying boulders out to sea, and staining the water for four miles out. The bodies of the Jews were used as fence-posts, and their blood as fertilizer for the Roman vineyards. The Jewish children were wrapped up in their Torah scrolls and burned alive-all 64 million of them, or as some say, 150,000.

Some exterminationist authors have admitted that at least some aspects of the myth are untrue. In The Final Solution (Sphere, London, 1971) art-dealer Gerald Reitlinger comments on page 581:

A certain degree of reserve is necessary in handling all this material [documentary evidence], and particularly this applies to the last section [survivor narratives]. For instance, the evidence concerning the Polish death camps was mainly taken after the war by Polish State Commissions or by the Central Jewish Historical Commission of Poland. The hardy survivors who were examined were seldom educated men. Moreover, the Eastern European Jew is a natural rhetorician, speaking in flowery similes. When a witness said that the victims from the remote West reached the death camp in Wagons-Lits [Pullman cars], he probably meant that passenger coaches were used instead of box-cars. Sometimes the imagery transcends credibility, as when a gang of food smugglers in a ghetto are described as exceptionally tall men with pockets running the whole length of their bodies. Thus readers, who are by no means afflicted with race prejudice, but who find the details of the murder on the national scale too appalling to assimilate, are inclined to cry Credat Judaeus Apella and dismiss these narratives as fables. The witnesses, they will say, are Orientals, who use numerals as oratorical adjectives and whose very names are creations of fantasy; Sunschein and Zylberdukaten, Rotbalsam and Salamander.

In her extraordinarily candid book Eichmann in Jerusalem (Penguin, 1978), journalist Hannah Arendt reports on page 207 that at the Eichmann trial, the prosecution

had been under considerable pressure from Israeli survivors, who constitute about 20% of the present population of the country. They had flocked spontaneously to the trial authorities and also to Yad Vashem, which had been officially commissioned to prepare some of the documentary evidence, to offer themselves as witnesses. The worst cases of "strong imagination," people who had "seen Eichmann at various places where he had never been," were weeded out, but 56 4'sufferings-of-the-jewish-people witnesses," as the trial authorities called them, were finally put on the stand, instead of some 15 or 20 "background witnesses," as originally planned. 23 sessions, out of a total of 121, were entirely devoted to "background," which meant that they had no apparent bearing upon the case.

(Eichmann, of course, was not allowed to present any live witnesses in his defense, since the Israeli government had threatened to arrest as a war criminal any German defense witness who set foot on Israeli soil. They also refused to allow witness subpoenas for two El Al officers who could give evidence about Eichmann's abduction.) One wonders whether the prosecution did such a thorough job in "weeding out" those with "strong imaginations" for a few pages later Ms. Arendt describes how one witness who gave his name as "K-Zetnik" ("Jailbird" or "Camp Inmate") started to venture into an excursion into the astrological aspects of the Holocaust. He testified that the astrological stars were "influencing our fate in the same way as the star of ashes at Auschwitz is there facing our planet; radiating toward our planet." After allowing the witness to continue in this manner for some time, the presiding judge finally intervened to stop his ramblings, whereupon the witness fainted. According to Arendt, this man was also the author of several highbrowed books on Auschwitz which dealt with the camp brothels, homosexuality, and other human interest sagas (pp. 223-4). Another verbose witness was Abba Kovner, the Israeli poet, who "had not so much testified as addressed an audience." When he was also interrupted by the judge in full flow, he upbraided the judge for daring to interfere with his artistry. Chassidic Jews claim that Kovner was not a partisan during the war, but a Nazi collaborator (see Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims Accuse).

Even the witnesses who were supposed to give proper evidence turned out to be a waste of time. Ms. Arendt reveals on page 208 that

If Eichmann's name was mentioned at all, it obviously was hearsay evidence, "rumors testified to," hence without legal validity. The testimony of all witnesses who had "seen him with their own eyes" collapsed the moment a question was addressed to them.

The whole Eichmann affair is stereotypical of the ethics of Zionists. Not only was the trial rigged from beginning to end, but his initial abduction was an even more blatant example of bare-faced lying. When the Argentinian government protested to Israel about their agents violating Argentinian sovereignty by kidnapping Eichmann on their soil, the Israelis blatantly lied. They claimed that the Israeli government had no knowledge of Eichmann's capture, since their Secret Service had not told them about it! They said that Eichmann had surrendered himself voluntarily, when recognized, and had given his agreement to come to Israel to stand trial. They even had the gall to include a "letter" signed by Eichmann where he stated that he wanted to be tried so that future generations would have a "correct" picture of WWII events. As Richard Harwood comments in Nuremberg & Other War Crimes Trials (IHR, $2.50) p. 52

The Israeli statement was a pack of lies from beginning to end. Eichmann was not "approached by Jewish volunteers." He was bundled into a car in the street by Israeli secret service agents (David Ben-Gurion, Israel: A Personal History). He did not go to Israel of his own free will-his family spent the whole night searching for him after his abrupt disappearance. As for his so-called "letter to the Argentinian Government" it just defeats description.

Hannah Arendt suggests that the letter was written in Jerusalem, not in Argentina. She describes how Eichmann was kept tied to a bed for eight days after his kidnapping (p. 241). Whatever the location of its origination, Richard Harwood cynically comments that "Eichmann's'confession' could not have been better written if the Israelis had written it themselves-as seems most likely."

The lies churned out by the Israeli government surrounding the Eichmann abduction were very small beer compared to their behavior in 1967, when Israeli marines torpedoed and strafed an American intelligence ship, the USS Liberty. 34 Americans were killed in the raid, and the ship was so badly damaged it had to be scrapped. The attack was personally ordered by General Moshe Dayan, who did not want Israel's imperialist war plans to become documented by the American spy ship. There would be no telling where the information would end up. Dayan wanted Israel to appear to the world as the underdog, whereas in reality the Israelis were hatching expansionist plans for the invasion of Syria and the Sinai and Jordan.

The attack took place in broad daylight. The ship was reconnoitered 8 times for 6 hours before the attack by Israeli aircraft. The ship was flying a large and prominent American flag. Yet the Israelis had the nerve to pretend that the whole attack had been an accident. They claimed that they had mistaken the vessel for an Egyptian one. In his new book Assault on the Liberty (available from IHR at $14), crewman James Ennes describes the astonishing denials and cover up. He produces CIA documents that prove that the Israelis knew what they were doing. He also proves how the Israeli excuses do not coincide with the facts. Yet, to this day, Israel maintains that the attack was an "error" and this outrageous calumny is meekly accepted by our so-called "representatives" in Washington.

Of course, this was the second time that Dayan had escaped by the skin of his teeth from being publicly exposed as a murderer of Americans. In 1955, a plot to bomb American libraries and theaters in Cairo was revealed. The bombers were Jewish Egyptians who had been trained in Israel by the Mossad. The intention of the plot was to blame the bombings on Egypt, and thus sour American-Egyptian relations. When the plan backfired, Pinhas Lavon, the Israeli Minister of Defense, was forced to resign. But he was only the "fall guy" for the plot's failure. The murder scheme had been drawn up by Moshe Dayan along with Shimon Peres and Brigadier Abraham Givli. They were able to blame Lavon only by framing him with a forged document. An internal Israeli investigation five years later showed that the document had been faked, and this revelation so rocked the country that it led to the resignation of the entire Ben-Gurion government in 1961. The "dirty tricks" of Dayan, both in hatching the murder plot in the first place, and then framing his colleague when found out, are described in the recently reprinted indictment of Zionism, The Zionist Connection by the distinguished Jewish scholar Alfred Lilienthal (available from IHR at $21). Further details can be found in The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time by Moshe Menuhin (IHR $13).

Lilienthal also deals with the SS Patria affair in 1940. The ship was full of illegal Jewish immigrants to Palestine, but was refused docking permission at Haifa harbor by the British. They ordered it out to sea again. Then on the night of 25 November, the ship blew up and 276 Jews were killed. At the time, these deaths were attributed to the British, but it was not until ten years later that the truth finally came out. David Flinker, Israeli correspondent of the New York Morning Freiheit reported on 27 November 1950 that the bombs had been planted by the Haganah, the Zionist terrorist organization. The idea was, yet again, to blame the deaths on the enemy and make the Zionists out to be the poor martyred ones. Fifteen months later, the SS Struma exploded in the Black Sea, killing 769 illegal Jewish immigrants. The Jewish Agency described it as an act of "mass-protest and masssuicide," although it seems somewhat doubtful if all 769 victims were polled. The American newspapers once more laid the responsibility at the door of the British.

Even today, it seems that very little has changed. The Zionists are still up to their usual dirty tricks; trying to make themselves out to be the underdogs and the victims. Sandra Ross in The Nation Wreckers (available from IHR at $3) describes how many of the outbreaks of swastika-daubing in Britain in the 1950s and '60s were the work of Communists and Zionists. Lilienthal also describes how Zionism thrives on "anti-Semitism." The New York Times (16 September 1979) reports that a Jewish businessman was arrested for insurance fraud, after his own building burned down and swastikas and the slogan "Jews Get Out" were found painted on the walls. The London Jewish Chronicle (21 September 1979) reports an incident in Long Island, NY, where a large swastika was burned into the lawn of a Jewish family. Another Jew was later arrested for the offense.

Bibliographic information


Brandon, Lewis


The Mendacity of Zion


The Journal for Historical Review (


Summer 1980


Volume 1 number 2


Page 147


"Reprinted from The Journal of Historical Review, PO Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659, USA. Domestic subscriptions $40 per year; foreign subscriptions $60 per year."

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